Presentation to Tower Captain Heather after 17 years of service
Last weekend after the church service we presented flowers and a card to Heather Darvill who is taking a well earned rest after being our Tower Captain for 17 years. These were presented to her by Nick Brett (Ringing Master during the latter years of Heather's term) and Rev'd Dr Bernard Minton (Parish Priest).
(Left to right, Nick Brett, Heather Darvill, Rev'd Dr Bernard Minton)
The tower and its band has been supported by her in this role since 2000. She has helped the tower liaise with the Church, visiting ringers and has helped ensure we have a band each week for Sunday Service ringing and weddings. Even after stepping down as Tower captain she continues to help us in an advisory role which is greatly appreciated.
We are most thankful to Heather for her many years of service she has provided to the tower.