Tower AGM
Our Tower AGM took place on Tuesday the 9th of February. Thank you to everyone that came to show their support for the tower.
Until the tower secretary releases the minutes for the meeting, we thought we’d give a few hints as to what happened for those who couldn’t come.
Matters Arising from last year’s meeting included a rope warmer that has yet to materialise in the tower. This is because nobody is sure where the rope warmer would be stored during ringing.
Our tower captain asked to be assisted by an assistant tower captain, Louisa has taken on the role. Tower treasurer has been changed from Lyndsey to Natalie, while Nick has been taken out of steeple keeping and replaced with Mark to work with Simon.
There were many plans being made for social events too. It was agreed that the Linslade meal would again happen at the Ship. Keep the 11th of May free in your diaries!